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Windows 10 Fixes

Basic Maintenace
1. check windows updates 1b. if there are any then let those run and finish before moving forward (if they need to restart to finish restart) TFC (temp file cleaner) after windows updates are done or there aren...
net stop w32time w32tm /unregister w32tm /register net start w32time w32tm /resync
Here's the steps you can try. -Click Start, type CMD and run it as administrator -Copy and paste the command below and hit enter. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth Wait until the pc finishes DISM and when...
Restore Windows Photo Viewer
OPTION ONE To Only Restore Windows Photo Viewer for Current Account This option will only affect the account that you are currently signed in to. You do not need to be an administrator to do this option. 1 Do...
Windows 10 Home Disable Password Expiration
If you want to disable the password expiration feature for all users on the machine, do the following: Click Start, then type in "cmd" (no quotes); wait for CMD.EXE or Command Prompt to appear in the list, then...
​How to disable the lock screen in the Pro edition of Windows 10
How to disable the lock screen in the Pro edition of Windows 10 Right-click the Start button. Click Search. Type gpedit and hit Enter on your keyboard. Double-click Administrative Templates. Double-click...
White Bar Graphical issues
To resolved this issue: Right click desktop, go to Intel HD Graphics settings. Select Display and then choose the option Scale Full Screen. Make sure the option Override Application Settings has the checkbox marked....

Password Reset

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